About MM MCC

About MM MCC

MM MCC is the sole consultancy in the world specialising in marine classification and treaty matters.


A group of volunteers from the Classification Society came together to form the Marine Classification Consulting i.e. MCC.

The history of the Classification Society goes back to 1760, when it was founded by a group of people in a coffee house in England.
The classification societies were, at the time of their establishment, independent bodies that inspected insured ships and their equipment, and over the years it has evolved from an independent body that inspected insured ships and their equipment to an authoritative body empowered by governments of flag states around the world to carry out inspections and issue certificates on their behalf in accordance with international conventions and flag states' own regulations.
Today there are more than 130 classification societies in the world, all with different historical backgrounds and different mandates, but the 12 member societies of the International Association of Classification Societies i.e. IACS are the most prestigious and respected.


Over the course of its long history, safety standards such as classification rules and international conventions have become increasingly stringent in response to serious maritime accidents with high casualties, adverse effects on the environment and the emergence of new technologies.
While it has been a happy history of increasing safety for life, property and the environment at sea, the burden on manufacturers and shipping lines to meet the requirements of the Convention has also increased enormously. The same is true for the classification societies and flag governments that are responsible for inspecting and approving conventions.


In order to support these people, at West Germany in 1951, a group of long time employees of the classification societies set up the Marine Classification Consulting i.e. MCC.

In the chaos that remained after the Second World War, the MCC has worked hand in hand with former officials of various classification societies who share the same views, and has helped many people around the world to solve their problems.


"We are happy to support people who are struggling with classification and treaty issues.”


This will has been carried on from generation to generation, in 2021, we moved from Milan, Italy, to Minato Mirai i.e. MM, Japan, a strong shipping and shipbuilding country, to set up a new company, Minato Mirai Marine Classification Consulting for short MM MCC Inc.

We have a team of experienced professionals who have worked for the classification societies for many years and are ready to support you.

Company Profile

Company Name
MM MCC Inc. (Global Name)
合同会社みなとみらい船級相談所 (Japanese Name)
1-101-1 CROSSGATE 7th Floor, Sakuragi-cho - Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 231-0062, Japan
Year 1951
Year 2021
Chief Executive Officer
Takenobu Inoue